Monday, September 07, 2009

monday night

You can tell I've been lazy today because this is about my third post and none of them have anything to do with productivity. I'm not cleaning the garage, pulling weeds in the garden, or scrubbing the kitchen floor. I enjoy doing nothing. I have friends my age who are in the neighborhood of retirement age. Some of them wonder what they would do if they retired. What they would do? What the hell. Doing nothing is the whole point. I figure by the time I retire, I will have the technique perfected.

I finished a book this weekend, actually in the middle of last night. It's called God's Middle Finger. The subtitle is Into the Lawless Heart of the Sierra Madre. It's a travel book, I guess. They grow a lot of drugs in the area and drink a lot of home brewed liquor (mostly from corn) so things get pretty crazy and violent. I don't think is a place most of us mellow midwestern types would want to visit. Good book, though.

Regis and I cooked steaks on the grill tonight. Beef for him and tuna for me. The tiny bugs were relentless and made it more unpleasant than most of our grilling days this summer. He had been doing homework most of the day so was ready for a break for a Stella Artois (sister of Menage...get it?) and I had a glass of white wine. It's almost time to make the transition to a pinot noir. I'm very seasonal about my wine and food.

I read in the weatherguide calendar that the hummingbirds will leave for Mexico in a couple weeks. Can you imagine those tiny and fragile birds flying all that way? No wonder they are carb loading at the canna lilies this weekend. Sometimes there are two at at time. We'll definitely going to plant those again next summer as they've provided quite a feast for the hummingbirds and quite a show for us.

I was awake for two hours in the middle of the night last night. Man, I hate that. It's not such a problem now, when I'm not getting up at 5 to go to work but tomorrow, this would be a killer. I have to be at the pulse at 5 a.m. to work out with Rachel and I've missed five days. I'll get my rear kicked from treadmill to stairmaster. Uff da. My goal this month is 20/200 which was really clever when I thought of it last week but now I can't remember what the hell it means. I think the 200 is minutes of cardio a week. I have no idea what 20 means. Times a month? Hell.

Regis mentioned watching a football game tonight. Frowny face. Ugh. Maybe I can talk him into a movie instead.

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