Friday, January 01, 2010

Ella's Birthday and Happy New Year!

We took Ella to Patrick's for lunch yesterday as a pre-birthday celebration. We had princess napkins, she ordered a Cha Cha basket and pink lemondade, and she opened her birthday presents. The favorite seemed to be a character doll from High School Musical who came with a microphone. Ella exclaimed, "How did you know I loved this?" Oh, to be four years old.

We went to Tom & Betty's last night for a wonderful dinner of prime rib roast, baked potatoes, popovers, and cheesecake. We watched a few episodes of Twilight Zone and the documentary Two Fat Ladies, One Large Life. It was a lovely way to end the year and the decade. Two Fat Ladies is a cooking series from BBC and it is a real damn hoot. The documentary is about the life of one of Jennifer Paterson and it's hilarious as she was quite a character. If you like cooking shows, it's worth a look.

We don't have much going on today. I'm going to put ribs and kraut in the crock pot and we're going to another birthday party at 3:00 just down the street. I feel like I have the dreaded cold coming on so I'm doing what I can to activate my endorphins.

I hear Regis rummaging around in the other room. He has better sleeping habits than I do on most days although neither of us sleep very well anymore. We both go to sleep quickly most nights but I wake up at ungodly early. Regis can usually sleep until 7 o'clock which we consider sleeping in. I'd love to sleep like I was 16 again.

I still have the detritus of Christmas to deal with in my house. The huge round table that I thought I had to have is propped against the bookshelf. It's 60 inches in diameter which I didn't picture as being five feet. It's my math disability, I guess. It was handy to have on Christmas Eve but what will I do with it the rest of the year?

I'm not making any resolutions this year and I'm not sure I made any last year. I started exercising on December 28th in 2007 and continued through 2008 but I didn't make a resolution...I just did it. Resolutions seem to be too easy to forget. Oh wait...a resolution...I won't complain and I will try to be nicer.

That's enough rambling for today. Looking forward to 2010.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Happy New Year!

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...