Sunday, January 10, 2010

mixing holidays

We decided to leave the Christmas tree up for a while because we (the royal we, Joanne) like the lights. I was picking up junk today, though, and decided to get out a few Valentine decorations. I hope this isn't a big design faux pas. Mixing holidays. Most of the Valentine type things are dishes and towels so they're all on the dining table...two red-stemmed glasses, four liqueur glasses with red dots, a red tray...hey, wait. I'll take a picture.

Aren't they pretty? Red is my favorite color. Speaking of red, I did a little online shopping today. I love the clearance sales. Nothing like a good deal. I bought a red jacket...hope I don't look the line usher at the mall Santa photo studio. Most of the stuff in wintery because, I suspect, we have quite a bit of winter left.

 This is a picture I took out the front door this afternoon. The sun is shining and it's beautiful out there. I'm staying inside today, though. I thought about going to yoga but decided against it, in favor of couch yoga. Which means I do just what I'm doing including maybe tipping over into a horizontal position and taking a nap. I have a loaf of bread in the bread machine and that's productivity enough for me.

I'm working on the menu for the week and the grocery list. We decided to plunder the freezer before we buy many more groceries. It's getting a little hard to shut the door. So today I took out some fish, a small steak, some pork for lunches, and a couple other things that were a little hard to identify. I think one is ham. I had Christmas Eve meatballs and Thanksgiving squash for lunch today.

There you go. Happy Sunday.


Unknown said...

I love your use of the royal "we". We approve.

Jill said...

I'm behind on the blog reading again, but will catch up. I love the Valentine dishes and accoutrements (however it's spelled).

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