I love Thursday night before a long weekend. The three days lay out there like the yellow brick road. We have no big plans which means we can decide from moment to moment what we want to do. Regis has to work through some puzzle about web development....html something or other....but not me. I can turn my brain off tomorrow at 3:00 and not turn it back on until Tuesday. Hurray!
There's an article in the new Rolling Stone about Jeff Bridges in Crazy Heart. I'm so anxious to see that movie. I ordered the CD about two weeks ago and I bet I've listened to it three times a day since then. I love it. I'll read the article later tonight. The cover....omg the cover...has some rap singer with his undies hanging out and he's covered with grotesque tattoos. Oh please. DECIDE WHAT YOUR DEMOGRAPHIC IS, PLEASE! Fans of the dude don't really don't want to see Lil Wayne on the cover of the Rolling Stone.
Well we are big rock singers, we've got golden fingers And we're loved everywhere we go We sing about beauty and we sing about truth At ten thousand dollars a show We take all kind of pills to give us all kind of thrills But the thrill we've never known Is the thrill that'll get you when you get your picture On the cover of the Rolling Stone
It was below zero again this morning and I tell you, it's demoralizing. I mean really. A person has no manual dexterity with two pairs of mittens on and it's hard to start the car with the remote when you have those tiny buttons. You get tired of wearing forty pounds of winter clothes. I think I might have complained about this before.
Going to watch Parks and Rec and drink my cup of coffee.
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