Tuesday, March 16, 2010

march the 18th- sleep the 19th

A friend of mine told me today that the tradition in International Falls is to have a minnow swimming in your beer on St. Patrick's Day. The minnow swims around until it dies, you fish it out, you get another minnow. Some people swill them down by the end of the night. He couldn't explain what this had to do with St. Patrick's Day and I didn't google it. I just appreciate the myth.

Ella is going to the parade with us. I know the St. Patrick's Day Queen and hope I can get a picture of Ella with the Queen. She'd loved that big crown and green velvet cape.

I bought a couple shamrock plants today. I tried to carry them over the winter last year but we don't have enough sun to make that a successful project.

I made a Guinness cake on Sunday because Peter has a friend who loves it. I told Peter to take it to Jake. It still sits there so I guess it's fair game. Damn kid.

I found a sauvignon blanc that I loved so much I thought it must be expensive, because I have such good taste, right? I went to the liquor store and it was $6.99 a bottle. I didn't know if I should be disappointed in the wine or in myself. It's Petirrojo Bisquertt. Not only is the wine good, the label is lovely.

Regis and I went to the coop after school. We're revising out diet plan again. We've done that, radically, so many times in the past that it was on my list of "reasons why I'm pissed" today. I think I have my head around it now. Oh, yeah...forgot. We were pricing meat at the coop. After we watched Food, Inc., we resolved to be more careful (WAY more careful about our meat purchase and preparation) so we were checking to see what this would cost. Like, could we afford this resolution AND insurance?)

I'm reading Michael Pollan's books. I started with Food Rules, now I'm reading In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto. I don't want to be a freak about eating habits so that's all I'll say. But they're very good books. If it won't ever rot (McDonald's hamburger) don't eat it.

We're watching The Quiet Man, our favorite St. Patrick's Day movie. I usually hate John Wayne but this is a good movie. They play patty fingers in the holy water. Oh my. Mom, you'd like it. See if they have it at your local video store. This movie and a bottle of that wine would make a good night!

I heard the sun might shine tomorrow for the parade. Oh, that would be a great blessing. We are sun deprived, sun starved. To be on Third Street in the sun for the parade would be wonderful.

I took my friend Mary, the St. Patrick's Day Queen, a shamrock plant today. Happy St. Patrick's Day, Mary!

 I'm going to watch the movie and finish my wine and get ready for the holiday! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

1 comment:

mom said...

Where did you buy The Quiet Man? I checked our video store and they have gotten rid of most of their video tapes. That must be a really old one. How many years has John Wayne been dead? I really am not crazy about watching dead people. mom

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