Saturday, March 06, 2010

saturday in march

Regis and I thought we would be teaching safe driving to old people all day today but thank goodness, nobody signed up for it and we're off the hook. It's a long day when you do an eight hour class.

We thought about going to the cities for a party but decided against that so we've had a quiet day at home.

We have been planning menus for the next couple weeks. It's St. Patrick's Day soon, and one of our favorite holidays but since it falls in the middle of the week, that puts a crimp in a guy's style. We're planning to do some more Irish cooking, though, like Irish stew with parsnips and turnips (and Guinness) and black and tan brownies (with Guinness) and Guinness cake and onion soup (with Guinness). Do you see a pattern here?

We're very seasonal people. We buy different food and drink depending on the season. It's fun to recognize holidays and changes in seasons. Today, we've had a lot of fun reading up on the vernal equinox and checking out recipes for that holiday. We went to the local MGM and checked out beer and wine that are more spring like than the heavy beers of winter. We can't wait to take our culinary act to the patio.

We have the Chieftans on the iPod this afternoon. Last night, we heard a song by Delbert McClinton on the radio at Famous Dave's. We came home and put one of his CDs on the stereo, then realized (via internet) that he is playing at the Medina tonight. We went to one of his shows there...maybe 8 years ago. We had a hard time staying awake for it as he didn't get started until almost 11:00. We thought maybe we'd have a Lone Star and listen to the CDs tonight instead.

In case you want to know the real way to make Irish coffee (as opposed to dumping cheap whiskey in a glass with Cool Whip) here is the link. Bill Murphy is an artist...of apparently more than art. This makes the best Irish coffee ever.

We're making orange chicken for dinner but the more time that passes the less interested I am in cooking tonight. Oh, I am a lazy one.


Jill said...

Your relatives look different from the way I remember from other pictures, Teresa.

mom said...

Are these old people you are teaching about a year or two older than you or Regis? Just wondering....
You may be in that catagory yourself.
Pat and Helen came this weekend. Rachel and I made a tee shirt quilt. Not quite done, but it is going to be cute. Mom

shirley said...

JIll, Teresa told me those were your uncles and nephews. She just thought it a cool picture of them. Shirley

Anonymous said...

...parsnips and turnips? Regis would willingly eat those tubers if everything else on the face of the earth were turned into worms. Seriously, aren't those actually some sort of animal waste or wildebeest afterbirth?

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...