Wednesday, April 07, 2010

hey look at this

These leaves popped out on our tree in the front yard on Monday. Regis was so kind to go out with the camera and document it for me and I was so lazy that it took me until today to post the photo. So nice to see green leaves after six months.

I went to yogalates this morning and my butt is dragging tonight. Yogalates is designed to strengthen both the mind and the body through the combination of poses and exercises. I liked it because it helped me work on flexibility, strength, and balance. The room was dark and the music wasn't tool loud...and no sudden movements. My legs and arms are stinkin' tired tonight, though.

Tomorrow, I go back to the chiropractor. She's a young woman and very stout and strong. She digs her fingers into my back muscles and it's heaven. Like a massage.

Having a little trouble with the thought train tonight. It's been a long week...well, two work.

Last night we watched the blue-ray version of Up on our big television. I am sure now that I could never watch a movie if Regis wasn't home. It took a minimum of three remote controls and more settings than I could count. When I was a kid we had to walk all the way to the tv to change the channel. Hahaahah. I didn't make that up but it's funny.

A weekend with no plans coming up and can't wait. I'm going to sit on the patio, read my book, take a nap, and watch the garden. It's not doing much yet but every time I walk around and bend over real close, I see things poking up through the leaves. Ah, spring.

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