Friday, July 30, 2010

meat and heat and the end of summer

Meat Mike called a couple days ago and our beef has gone to the butcher. Nice he didn't say that our cow had gone to the butcher. I decided to pick up our vegetables at the farm because I wanted to see the place where they grow, but I'm not sure I feel the same about my beef. I think I still prefer that process to be a little sanitized for me. I know where the beef comes from but I will be just fine seeing it wrapped in plastic in my freezer.

We had some friends over for dinner last night. What a fun evening. Regis made wonderful ribs, all the food was good, we had a lot of laughs, and now there is a mess in the kitchen. Ah, well. The price you pay for having fun.

I should have gone on the group run this morning at 7:15. Five miles. I just couldn't make myself do it and I have blamed the heat, the knees, the distance, and probably a few other random things. The fact is that I didn't go which is not good. I need to get my mojo back.

Regis is performing a wedding this weekend so we're going to a rehearsal and dinner tonight and a wedding tomorrow. He hasn't done one for a while and we always enjoy them. We meet very nice people, usually enjoy some good food and music and lots of visiting.

Tiffany and Elliot are coming over Sunday for a while. I bought a little picnic table for the kids. Isn't it cute? I can't wait to have them all here sitting around the table with their juice boxes and crayons. It's small enough that it can be set up in the living room (without the umbrella, I hope) so they'll have a place to hang around inside.

I am grieving the end of summer. We haven't been outside as much this summer as were last summer because the humidity and the bugs have been horrendous. My garden has been neglected. The bird feeders have been neglected. We haven't visited with our neighbors much. I makes me sad. Soon, the days will be noticeably shorter and we'll be back to our inside working lives.

I am giving serious consideration to retiring from teaching next summer. I'll meet the Rule of 90 on September 22 which means my age and he number of years I have been teaching will add up to 90. Interesting. We met with a TRA counselor this summer and it looks like it's possible. We may have to work part-time to pay for our insurance and we sure won't be taking any European vacations but I'm looking forward to it. There are some more things to consider and we have to look at the numbers one more time before I make a final decision. Interesting to think about retiring when you don't feel old.

On to the messy kitchen.

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