Tuesday, July 20, 2010

plan of the day and cows

 I intended to get up at 4 so I could join the 5 a.m. group run. I was there in time but I was intimidated by my own head) so I ran on the treadmill instead. I ran for 3 miles with very briefs stops along the sway to mop sweat and replace fluids. I wasn't really winded at the end which I guess means I can do that much for sure. It's something in my mind that wants me to stop. Probably years of thinking that I would keel over if I exerted myself at all.

I came home to clean up the kitchen and read a little.

Regis and I have been enjoying Radio Heartland although we were disconcerted to find out that they unceremoniously dumped Dale Connelly, the bunch of chumps. Same reason Bruce Davis was dumped by KRBI a few years ago, I suppose. Most radio is canned programming so it's cheap. Some dude sits in a cubicle in Toledo and runs radio stations all over the country. It's disheartening.

I forgot to mention that we bought some organic, farm raised, corn and pasture fed beef from a farmer outside of St. Peter. When I talked to him on the phone, he said he has 12 very happy and contented cows and I could come out to meet them if I wanted to but I declined. I'm afraid once I looked into those big brown eyes, the roasts wouldn't taste quite so good.

Our first plan was to store it across town in Bob's freezer but then we decided to buy a small (5.5 cubic feet) freezer to keep on our porch. We bought such a small one because we're determined to not let it get out of control as freezers are wont to do. This one will hold about a quarter of beef and a few other things.

This farmer also raises happy chickens so we'll try some of those the end of the month. We're trying to avoid factory raised meat.

For dinner tonight, we're going to have T-bone steaks from the happy cows, thanks to the friends who recommended the farmer. Also have lots of greens from the farm, fresh green beans, and a little piece of rosemary and garlic bread from the farmer's market.

My cell phone seems to be on the blink. It refuses to respond to the buttons so I can't see text messages or make calls. Uh oh.

I think I need a nap.

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