Friday, July 02, 2010


My mental health has made a full recovery as long as I avoid the news and loud noises.

Regis and I celebrated Patrick's birthday and my mom's birthday last night with a world famous patty melt and a glass of wine (or two) at the bar. It was fun. We got to visit with a lot of friends and we got out of there at a reasonable time.

We got up early and went to buy groceries at HyVee. I went to work out and about the time I was walking in the door of the Pulse, Nikki was walking out to run so I joined her. It's way more fun to run outside with a friend than to run on the treadmill like a gerbil. We ran up the hill to the Catholic church and back down the hill to the Pules. About 3 miles total.

When I got home, I tidied up the house and we did some yard chores. A late afternoon nap since we're on vacation and some cooking on the grill made the day perfect. We made a Cook's Illustrated recipe for stuffed burgers that called for bacon and sharp cheddar. Oh my. Wonderful.

We can hear the music from the Redmen's outdoor dance but we aren't tempted. I don't think I have ever attended that event in all the years I have lived here.

I have cooking to do tomorrow. Sunday is the 4th of July and Monday is the birthday so things have go be sous cheffed. I might have made that phrase up but it works. Chicken nachos, stuffed peppers, babyback ribs, ice cream sandwich dessert...on the menu for the next couple days.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July. More to come!

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