Sunday, August 22, 2010

hey what's happening to the paths????

I'm not very adventurous but as I've expanded my exercise horizons, I've had to venture onto some previously unexplored areas of St. Peter. With my fear of wild animals and mad dogs, I usually stick to city streets but in the last month, I discovered a whole maze of streets and paths along the west side of town. Not much traffic, long distances with no side streets, and asphalt which is better for feet and knees: perfect. So yesterday, I'm running on the paths along Nicollet Avenue and all of a sudden, the path is closed and torn up. What the hell.

Old neighbor Deb, I know you're been riding up there for a while...any idea what's going on?

Now, this is all fairly new...maybe in the last two years. The paths are in great shape, not starting to crumble or deteriorate. So, now it's really unsafe because you never know where one will end and you have to scoot over the grass and down the curb to the street. It looks like maybe they're going to replace them with cement which is way stupid. What the hell.

I rode my bike 11 miles this morning. When you don't leave town, you see a lot of neighborhoods in 11 miles.

We had a wonderful time last night with Cousin Deb and Larry from Arizona. they came about 2:00 and we spent the afternoon and evening on the patio, in spite of the neighbor's barking dogs. They usually have one barking dog (why I don't keep a gun in the house) but now there are four dogs over there. What the hell.

We had stuffed peppers. All summer, Regis and I have been in search of the best method. We settled on using the poultry rack that adjusts and that worked fine for about 4-5 peppers. Yesterday we had 10 which meant we had to come up with something else. Regis snatched a couple bricks back from a neighbor and I threaded the peppers onto skewers. We suspended the peppers between two bricks and ta da! the best pepper cooker yet!

Making oatmeal cottage cheese pancakes this morning and spending the afternoon in Tom and Betty's pool. Happy Sunday!


Anonymous said...

I think the paths are torn up because of continuing connections with the new water treatment plant. There is a group of us (teachers) who ride most ( weather permitting) every morning at 7:00(about 10 miles a day) and we have had to alter our route too.
Old neighbor Deb

Anonymous said...

Teresa, this is the scoop straight from the horse's mouth: The trail is torn up for the installation of the new transmission line. New concrete trail will be built over transmission line to provide surface protection. The ground up material from the old trail will be used as base material for the new concrete trail.

Barb G.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...