Sunday 8:30 a.m.
We were at the infamous Kato Ballroom last night but couldn't find a person (we didn't try very hard) to take a picture of the whole bunch of us so we were are minus me, the photographer. It was a beautiful wedding and it was nice to introduce myself as the minister's wife. At the rehearsal dinner the night before, nobody seemed to want to sit with us. Regis told the groom he should have told people that he's "not that kind of minister".
The Kato Ballroom is a funky place. The decor is truly just what it was in the 50's. I sat on a vinyl bench that Buddy Holly might have sat on in his second-to-last concert. Think of it.
This morning was my "long run" which has now become my long run/walk. So, when I say I ran 6.5 miles, what I mean is that I ran with walking breaks, the Jeff Galloway technique. It's what I'm going to do. For the most part, it was painless. I figure this is a good way to go for an old person like me. What the hell. I'm not out to break any land-speed records. I just want to be vertical, and alive, at the end of it.
We still have not been able to shake that piney taste. It isn't bad if you are drinking liquids, but the minute you eat food, there it is, like aspirin (or pine needles) has been mixed with the food. It's a nasty taste. I guess it can last for weeks. Lovely.
Happy Sunday, folks! I might post some pictures of our Sunday. I plan to do some cooking and some gardening. Waddle on, to quote John Bingham.