Tuesday, September 21, 2010

home again home again jiggety jig

I left home Sunday afternoon for a conference in Rochester. I had a good time at the Grand Kahler (in spite of getting lost on my way to the pool and having to walk down 11 flights of stairs. Thank God for all those squats I did in the last year is all I can say.) I had dinner with Steve and Sherry and Catie at Chester's on Monday night and the walleye cakes were delicious. The conference was a big disappointment but the traveling and meeting folks and eating out was great.

So good to be home, though. So good to be home. I got a haircut on my way back then met Regis at Plaza Garibaldi in North Mankato for fajita quesadillas. So good to be home with my sweet husband, my dog, and my own bed.

My room at the Kahler was about what you'd expect with the AARP discount but the bar on first floor, Martini's, is so much fun that I'll forgive the hard bed and teeny room.

I don't drink martinis. I told the ladies from ND I was visiting with that they would have to call 911 if I drank a martini. They do serve a nice red wine in a beautiful tall glass.

Regis had a surprise for me when I got home to celebrate my attainment of the Rule of 90 status tomorrow: this beautiful sterling ring with a dragonfly which symbolizes transformation, you know.


I don't know what the Rule of 90 means for me right now. We have all the information sitting in a folder on a shelf but for some reason we don't move beyond that. One of these days. I was in Kohl's this afternoon and they were making a plea for people to apply for jobs. That sounds like fun but I'd never bring a paycheck home. I'd have lots of cool clothes and big earrings, though. Trade-offs. Life is about trade-offs. Does living in a van down by the river because you can't afford your mortgage qualify as a trade-off if you don't have to go to work in the morning? Hysterical laughter. Keep a bedroom in the basement for us, Mom!

We're listening to Folk Scene with Bruce Davis. It's our Tuesday night ritual.

I stopped at Kohl's in my travels the last few days and bought a few sweaters in gorgeous fall colors: pumpkin, aubergine, and charcoal.

No more news, I guess. I could see fall in the fields and road ditches. The sun is lower in the sky. The breeze is cool in the morning. Fall is here and I love it. Have a good end of the week, friends, and do something fun every day.

1 comment:

CMD (from BE) said...

I love your ring Teresa but then I love dragonflies. I had to look up the Rule of 90 - nice for folks in Minnesota. In NY, we have "Work till your 90". :)

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