Monday, September 06, 2010

start of the school year anxiety

I found other images for anxiety that were more descriptive than this one but frankly, they were scary. This one is more peaceful. This is where I need to lead my mind.

Last night, I hardly slept. I think it's partly the start of school and partly seeing our kids so much. It all triggers those gray faced men to march around the bed all night, reminding me of all the bad things that are out there.

We have a busy day planned. We're off to the Man-Store to find a new entry door for our house. This is an overwhelming task for me. I hate picking things out because I tend to do it impulsively then not like my choice later. Not a good thing. I hope we can find a helper who is older than 15 to assist.

Grocery store. It shouldn't be busy today.

Pay bills. No anxiety in that, thank God.

Sort through paperwork. I hate this job. Where does all that crap come from and why do I save it?

Friends on the porch at 3:00. Ahhhhh. That will be the lovely part of the day.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Happy first day, Teresa. I am not feeling the anxiety this year because I don't have an office or a classroom. Only a car and bags of stuff to haul around when I go to schools to supervise. And only myself to talk to when issues arise, as I'm sure they will.

I'll let you know if I survive my first day of pseudo-retirement and you let me know if you survive first day jitters.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...