Monday, December 13, 2010

snowstorm small blessings and a few smackdowns

My friend, Paul, was in Dallas for a professional meeting on Friday when I talked to him. I'm flying home tomorrow, he said. Hmmm, I doubt it, I said. Got a Facebook message yesterday that he was stranded in Dallas due to our snowstorm and wouldn't be home for 48 hours. Ugh. Even a pleasant hotel gets old after that many days. Not good.

I think the people who do snow removal as a business are having a bumper year. And the folks who sell snow mobiles, snow shoes, parkas, and ice scrapers. Good for them!

Not so much the people in the restaurant business who rely on Christmas events like Christmas in Christ Chapel and The Nutcracker to bring in crowds. Not so good for them.

Young Regis finally heeded his father's advice and bought a snowblower. He's been shoveling the driveway at their new home but Dad figured this was going to be a back-breaking storm so Reg and Amber headed out Friday to buy a snow blower. They came home with a nice one so good for them.

School is two hours late this morning which means, even though I got up at 4 a.m. to exercise at 5, I get to spend a little more time sitting in front of the fireplace this morning. I'll be drinking plenty of coffee, having a piece of walnut bread with peanut butter, and planning the layers of clothing to wear to school. I could do something constructive like the dishes or the laundry, but then again, maybe not. Anybody who has ever gone to school or worked in one, knows that a two hour late start is a small blessing. Good for me.

Yesterday when I dropped Tiffany off after the Nutcracker, I saw her car was piled with snow. She said it had very little gas in it so they wouldn't be able to warm it up for long. I said she should send Eric out with a shovel and she said, and I quote, "We don't have a shovel." I stared slack-jawed. How could this child, raised in Minnesota, not have a snow shovel? Then I remembered when I was her age and my grandma made me stop at the hardware store on my way back to college to buy a snow shovel. Arrghghghg!!!!!

I've been listening to the Moth stories in the morning when I exercise. Some are better than others but most are wonderful. Today, I listened to one by Joyce Maynard. She wanted to raise her children so they only experienced the wonderful side of life and never any pain but what she concluded was that her job was to raise them so they were strong enough to handle pain. It's impossible to avoid. I don't know if it was her words or her voice, but it was powerful. And so much better than the news.

We have a busy week planned so I better get about it. Regis is finishing his last semester of school this week. Peter is coming for dinner and to make a Guinness cake on Tuesday. Bob and Emily are coming for dinner Wednesday. I want to take Ella out to see the Christmas lights some night when it isn't 20 below zero.

On to the week, my friends! Stay warm!

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