Wednesday, January 05, 2011

low-head dam destroyed

My nephew, Jesse, died seventeen years ago in this low-head damn on the Rock River in Luverne. Low-head dams are called drowning machines for these reasons. My family spent years, after Jesse's death, writing letters pleading with the city of Luverne to at least post signs of the danger so we are very happy, in a bittersweet way, that the dam will be replaced.

Jesse's death was one of the great sorrows of my life.


grandma saum said...

He was such a sweet boy and I will miss him forever. Low head dams have killed 50 people in the past 20 years so it is time they are all destroyed.

mom said...

That many people died just in the state of Minnesota. There were many others across the country. Sad....

Jill said...

Your affection for Jesse is something I think about from time to time. I've never seen his picture, at least until now. He reminds me of Peter. What a serious look on his young face. You're right-- a bittersweet victory to have the low dams removed.

Karen1 said...

Just wanted to say how touched I was by the post. I have a nephew that is so dear to my heart, as close as my son and I know how devastated we would all be if we lost him.

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