Sunday, January 02, 2011


  • We meant to buy groceries today. Instead we slept late and we're sitting here drinking coffee. I don't see the shopping trip happening.
  • Deb and Larry sent us coffee for Christmas. Kona coffee from Peats. What a treat it is after drinking the cheap stuff from Aldi's.
  • We celebrated Ella's 5th birthday yesterday. It was bittersweet...a lovely party but she is growing up so fast. Where does the time go?
  • Today is my last day of vacation. As my friend, Mike, used to say...I'm seeing amoebas. It's a symptom of Sunday psychosis.
  • It's very cold here today but the sun is shining. A big plus.
  • A rabbit has been eating the carrots that Ella and I put out on Christmas Eve. Poor little bunnies.
  • Regis is being trained to prepare taxes as a volunteer for AARP. After a full week of training, he will be tested. What the hell. So, you don't pass the test...then what? I think I'd rather be staked naked to an ant hill and covered with honey than do this.
  • Lots of things I meant to do this week but didn't. Maybe "meant to do" is not right. More like thought about doing. Oh, well. It's part of my new zen to do lists.
  • I had a lot of sad bubbling around in my head last night and had a good cry about it. I don't do that very often anymore but it is cathartic.
  • Peter (back in our basement) is a very good worker but not a good job finder. I'm sure between my melodrama and my nagging him to find a job, he will be gone soon. This morning, I made a list of places he can apply. Good grief.
  • I have a monster pot of chili on the back porch that needs to be vacuum sealed into smaller portions today. Emily made great chili yesterday for Ella's birthday dinner.
  • I need to find a way to exercise today for 30 minutes. I signed up for John Bingham's 100 Day Challenge.
  • Steve and Sherry sent a Christmas picture of them with daughter Catie and dog Pepsi. Pepsi is wearing Bert's Christmas bow tie. Regis hops that Pepsi is not channeling Bert's nasty disposition.
  • I guess this is all I have to say at the moment. I don't see myself being too active today so I may be back.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Oh my goodness, what a wonderful picture of Ella's birthday party! Happy #5, Ella! I will go back to your blog entry from the day she was born so I can see her newborn pictures again. Five years has flown by.

I can relate to the amoebas.

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