Saturday, February 12, 2011

saturday plans

I'm where I start every day, in front of the fireplace with my hands wrapped around a cup of coffee. Not sure if it's the caffeine or the warmth I crave.

It's almost twenty degrees outside so it makes me dread the going out a little less. How's that for a couple good qualifiers. Almost and a little less. Not very definite this morning, am I?

I'm going to exercise at 7:00. We're picking Ella up later for a dress-up day. She's bringing all her fancy stuff and I'm sure she'll want to rummage through all my scarves and jewelry. We put on long dresses and hats and every necklace I own. Regis will take pictures and we'll have a blast.

This afternoon, we'll go to the Polar Plunge. I can't imagine how people do that, but they do. They go down there in skimpy clothes and wait to jump into a hole in the ice. I can hardly stand to watch it much less think of doing it. I Spiderman will be there today. Regis will take pictures

We had a nice time at Patrick's. I love Friday afternoons when we know a lot of people and get to visit. Reg and Amber came in with Mike and Peggy. A group of teachers from the high school were there. Three paras from our school were there. Ann and Jim who went on the Summit trip with us last winter and we don't see very often were there. It was a good Friday afternoon.

We came home and watched the Thursday night episode of Parks and Rec on the computer. What a hoot.

Regis got his new phone and had to spend an hour on my phone with them so they could program it. Seriously. The drawback to these amazing new phones is that they are complicated and touchy. This is not your mama's crank-up telephone.

I applied for another job yesterday as a web content writer. I think I could do that since I looked at the web content this company currently has and it isn't Pulitzer prize stuff. I keep trying to sanitize myself so I don't seem old. I try to make my resume and letter less education-sounding and more hip-sounding. I think it's going to take meeting the right person. Maybe we have to start cruising the high-end restaurants and bars on Saturday night. I would hate that. Ha!

Here's a link to one of my favorite short stories. Why I Live at the P.O. by Eudora Welty.

More coffee. Exercise.

See you later.

1 comment:

Jill said...

The Polar Plunge makes me shiver just seeing the name! Thank goodness there isn't a -20 windchill today (or "windshield", as my siblings and I called it as kids).

I like the sound of Web Content Writer as a new title for you. Still crossing my fingers for the costume modeling job or, even better, the Enthusiastic Manager position.

Have fun with Ella!

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