Our weather has gone south fast. Not south as in warm and sunny, either. South as in to hell. I think this morning it’s about 35 degrees. And windy.
I got up and went to the Pulse, did the dishes, met Joanne for coffee, stopped by my house again to get a warmer sweater, stopped by North to see a couple teachers, and finally got to school. It felt like I did a day’s work before 8 o’clock.
I’m working on the Easter menu. My parts, if all goes according to plan, are to bake bread, make a vegetable, and make a Guinness cake for dessert. Not like we need dessert with candy but what the hey. It’s a holiday.
My friend, Jill, was visiting a school yesterday when the tornado sirens went off so she spent thirty minutes in the boy’s locker room with seventh graders. I told her I would almost rather take my chances with a tornado.
I volunteered to write some articles for our district’s staff newsletter. I am doing the lazy man’s journalism approach…sending out email questions. Actually, the responses were interesting and funny. Not my best work, but it will do.
We’re meeting some friends at Pappageorge for dinner tonight. It’s one of our favorite places to go.
I feel impatient lately. With almost everything. I wonder if it has to do with waiting for retirement. Books I start reading are not quite right and I abandon them. Magazines that I typically enjoy go unread. My routines feel disrupted. Regis has been infinitely patient with me but I bet I’ve been a handful.
My friend, Nikki, and I are doing a race on Sunday. It’s called the Race for Acceptance and I think it’s a fund-raiser. Regis picked up my bag o’ swag in North Mankato today and he said it’s kind of pitiful. It contains the obligatory t-shirt, a number, a race tag, and a coupon for a small drink at McDonald’s. I care so little about going fast that I should just go to these things and join up somewhere along the way. I don’t need to be timed.
I really have enough of those t-shirts anyway. I’m not a t-shirt wearing kind of girl in the first place. Someday I’ll have somebody make a quilt out of them…or something.
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