Tuesday, May 10, 2011

accumulating junk

It seems to be a constant battle to keep the piles of junk cleared away in my life. It's the same in my office as it is at home so I really can't blame anyone else. I am too inclined to bring stuff in and set it down. Right now, where I am sitting, there are three piles within arm's reach: a pile of River Rock stuff, a pile of Mother's Day cards and TRA stuff, a pile of coupons and graduation stuff. None of it can be thrown away and I guess most of it could be stowed somewhere else but I'm not sure where. I know, or hope, that this is a universal problem.

I see in the weather forecast that it's to be in the high 70s today and the high, get this, 80s tomorrow. So, we shut the furnace off today and turn the AC on tomorrow. What the hell. Of course, with this rapidly rising temps comes the threat of severe weather which I loathe. It's not so bad if I'm at home and the basement is easily accessible but I hate being out and about with black clouds looming.

We saw a brown thrasher in the back yard yesterday. All the years we have lived here, we haven't seen one even though they frequent dense shrubs and that's what our neighbor has on our back fence.

Regis took the picture through the screen so it's a little distorted. He's about the size of a robin. It's been great bird watching weather at the wildlife reserve here on our street.

Tomorrow is the staff recognition event at school. It's a lovely thing and so touching every year to see people I have worked with retire. Tomorrow it will be me. I weep all the time at these things and I am afraid that I will be a blubbering mess when I have to get up to receive my bell. I'm hoping to practice enough that I won't but there are no guarantees. It could happen. I am a frequent weeper and this could be trouble.

Regis graduates from South Central on Friday. Yesterday, he brought home his gown, his honor's medal, and his cap with the tassel. I was reading the directions for where to march and where to stand and how to move the tassel and, you guessed it, I started to cry. This could be a tough week.

I'm really not too interested in working today and would much rather sit here clicking away on the keyboard and drinking coffee. Really.

I just learned that the new/used/donated shelves of books at River Rock will be my domain. I can decide if we lend books (probably not), give away used books, sell used books, or sell new books. Or some combination of all of those. This just gets better and better. Books and coffee and good food. They will pay me to hang around this place and I can hardly believe it.

Several years ago, I read an article in the Tribune about a woman who started a book and coffee shop after retirement. It talked about the plants, the cat sleeping in the window, the friendly customers, and the smell of books and coffee. I was so moved, I sent her an email and told her how much I envied her job. And look, here I am about to enter into this amazing venture.

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observations from my first day of school

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