Monday, June 27, 2011

random photos from the weekend

Packing up my office at school. Peter and I went out Sunday and loaded them up...not very many! That's my dad's jelly bean machine.

A few more things to go...

Cousin Deb sent a beautiful 4th of July card that she made. It has a picture of her dad and three of his brothers in their military uniforms. I found a great frame for it.

The 4th of July table. Ah, I love holidays.

We found this funky little table at the thrift store on Saturday. We wanted something for a computer so we could listen to Pandora radio outside. Turns out we don't need it for that but Regis can use it by his chair.

I found this great little mug and a long black skirt for three dollars. My kind of shopping.

4th of July in the kitchen.

Stuffed peppers that took your breath away.

Nice to have Peter here for dinner.

Regis...great grill master.


mom said...

Nothing for Mom? You know I love junk.
Your Fourth of July dishes look familiar. I think I picked them up at a junk store. Love them.

mom said...

Did my comment not make the grade? I said I love junk so aren't you saving any junk for me? Your Fourth of July dishes look familiar. I think I picked them up at a junk shop. Love them.

mom said...

I am repeating myself because I did not think the first comment went through. Oh well, delete it if you want.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...