Thursday, September 29, 2011

grilling for friends

We had Sam and Jessica over for dinner last night. We met Sam when he worked at Cedar's Grille in town. They are very nice young folks and we had a good time. Phone photo and not the best quality.

Here's a funny thing. After we went to Lake Cochrane this summer, we mentioned it to Sam and it turns out his grandpa has a cabin there, they often go to the State Line Bar for beer and pizza, and he has relatives in Ghent, right down the road from Canby. His family name is Maerten.

Regis made the most delicious ribs with is own barbecue sauce. We've gotten fussy about our ribs and can rarely find any out and about that are as good as we make at home. I contributed to the meal by making stuffed poblano peppers, a salad, and by bringing home bread and cookies from the coffee shop.

We ordered some shelving from Ikea that will be delivered by some kind of truck today. The shipping was sort of costly but we figured it was better than driving to the cities to pick it up.

The information from Ikea said they would call to schedule delivery. What happened is that I got a call from a robot yesterday telling me that it would be here between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. and that we should be here to accept delivery. Really? A 13 hour window? Regis said it's like going back to 1964.

I'm moving slowly this morning. Regis is asking if I'll be riding my bike to work today since there will be 45 mph wind gusts. I think I will. Not like I'll blow away.

I ordered some rugs online, too. I'm not especially happy with them but they'll do for now. Gus has taken a shine to the round one for some odd reason. It's a nice background for his color...maybe he senses that.

This weekend: Planning to finish my painting and curtain hanging and shelf assembly. Have two hostas yet to plant. No more plans than that as I hate to fill up a weekend before it even starts.

Thinking of Annie as she has surgery today in Rochester. Jill and Larry are there with her so we're thinking of them, too. Waiting is hard. Poems and songs for you, Annie.


Anonymous said...

Hope Annie's surgery is not too serious.

mom said...

There used to be an Ed Maerten in Canby.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...