Monday, October 10, 2011

writer's notebook

These are my new Halloween aprons, made by my friend, Katy, in Georgia. I can't wait for them to arrive.

I realized a few weeks ago while talking to a friend about writing, that I use my blog like Jill and I used to use a writer's notebook when we were teachers. It's like an artist's sketchbook or what I heard someone call a morning journal. Here's a website that I would love if I were still a teacher. It's called Writing Fix.

Teaching writing was one of the things I loved most about teaching and it's one of the things I miss. It makes me a little sad that it's not taught much anymore, or at least not well. Too many people are afraid of writing and have a deadly fear of the red pen. My dad once wrote stories from his life, then gave it to an English teacher to edit. She marked it up with a red pen and he was so discouraged he threw it in the trash. What a pity.

I think if you like stories and writing, your head is always doing it. Tamika said she thinks in recipes...always inventing and reworking recipes. I think in stories. Some days I have to email myself lines or words so I don't forget to tell a story. You'd think this blog would be richer than it is for all of that, eh?

I got up early today to exercise. The rest of my life has been a disruptive influence in my exercise routine and I just realized that I signed up for the Mankato Marathon 10K (6 miles) on the 22nd and the Fun Run on the 29th. I better start training! Some of the Pulse women have run marathons almost every weekend and then they rode in the Bike Ramble yesterday...45 miles. I am a lazy athlete.

Regis went to the store to buy groceries before his medical appointment. Gus is so attached to him that he suffers terrible separation anxiety when he leaves. He runs into the bedroom and vaults up onto the bed to see out the window. Now, he's pacing around the house and whining. Good grief.

We sat on the patio yesterday but were disturbed by the tiny biting insects that Regis believes are biting midges. They were at the wedding on Saturday and were awful to contend with. They're smaller than gnats, bite harder, but don't leave a mark. We finally went back inside but we went out to grill a few hours later, they had disappeared. Who knows.

It's a dog revolution in our neighborhood today.

We made a giant chicken on the grill last night. We get chickens from our meat man and they are almost the size of small turkey. Regis cuts them up and we grill them with Old Bay Seasoning. Delicious. I've never been a big chicken on the grill fan because it gets so dry but not this way. We also cooked a batch of hot peppers with Prairie Pried sausage and mozzarella. Good eating night.

It's Bob Dylan Day at River Rock so I have to get my costume ready. Better pop down to see it.

1 comment:

Aprons and More said...

Thanks for showing the aprons! Your should be there tomorrow!!

Katy :)

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