Wednesday, November 23, 2011

ella spends the night at nana and pop pops

 The last few years, since she has been old enough to spend the night with us, Ella comes for an overnight before Thanksgiving to make a pumpkin pie. I picked her up at school yesterday and she came for our annual event.

Ella lost her first tooth a while back so she had to show the Paparazzo where the tooth used to be.

Ella is always nervous around Gus at first, then decides she loves him. He drapes himself over her like a big, furry blanket. He weighs almost as much as she does.

Ella has animal allergies but Gus is hypoallergenic so it's a good match. Our back yard is a mess with the melting snow so he practically needs a bath every time he goes out there. Regis ordered him some boots so we'll see how that goes.

Ella and I pose for some pictures with Gus. Ella gave me the low-down on school yesterday. She likes recess when she has snow pants and can go on the playground. She doesn't like it if she has to stay on the parking lot. She hates making letters and dislikes exercise, which, she reports, is not real school. She is learning to spell and demonstrated by spelling Gus and Peter...only missing a vowel here and there. Close enough!

Regis made a yipping noise to get Gus's attention and it cracked Ella up. She laughed and laughed but it worked every time. Notice who is paying attention.

Gus is almost too long for the love seat. Ella and I fit just fine. After the photo shoot, we watched some Roy Rogers and Dale Evans movies and then read books in bed.

Gus putting on his cutest dog face. He met Roger, the doodle from down the street yesterday. Roger is a year and half old and weighs 75 pounds. Regis says he doesn't look all that much bigger than Gus so maybe he will just fill out and not get taller.

Ella with her pumpkin pie. She wanted to cut into it last night so we made a little extra pumpkin stuff so she could eat it like pudding. With some autumn sprinkles on it, she pronounced it delicious.

Here's what I have done so far: pie (thanks to Ella!), Intense Chocolate Brownies (of which I am quite proud...recipe from the Flour Cafe in Boston), chocolate pumpkin truffles, cornbread for dressing, and spicy cranberry chutney. Ta da!

Peter is coming over tonight to spend the night and help with the Thanksgiving preparations. He likes to cook so I think I'll turn him loose with the dressing prep and the salad makings. Regis is making the ribs we had the other night that were so good.

We have busy mornings out and about but then will be home for more cookin'!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

We LOVE Flour Cafe. We went twice this summer and admired our restraint, because we really wanted to go every day of our trip.

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