a solution

Wrap yourself in LED lights and put on a pair of reindeer antlers.

The rest of my mental health action plan:
  1. Vitamin D supplements.
  2. Be warm. Wear long underwear to work. Wear warm socks and mittens.
  3. Work in the front of the shop rather than the dark office.
  4. Take a longer walk when I go to the bank. Sunshine is good.
  5. Talk to people instead of hunching over paperwork all day.
  6. Turn lights on in the house.
  7. Light candles.
  8. More LED lights.
  9. Write more. 
  10. Exercise outside. Would this be helpful?
Readers. Send other ideas.


Karen1 from BE said…
Good for you! Great list.
Here's a device that has worked for me for years - before that I just took the happy drugs, but they make me sluggish and mentally slow and I do not like them, Sam I Am. So now I do the Vitamin D thing, take melatonin at night and I'm going to try Tryptophan and Niacin this year since the winter will be longer. Great book called Depression Free Naturally talks about the link between vitamin/food absorption and light and depression.

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