Saturday, December 31, 2011

early winter morning

It's almost 8 o'clock and barely light outside. I don't like this about winter. I need more light. I wanted to go for a walk this weekend but I don't think I want to battle 60 mph gusts. A guy has to put rocks in his pockets in that kind of weather lest you blow away!

I called River Rock and talked to Katie, the baker, about what she is making today so I can report via Twitter and Facebook. The longer I work there, the more it seems like a miraculous little place, that kitchen. I'm learning how their recipes are born and how they morph to fit a flavor profile. The other day I met the young woman who, with her husband, grows the organic wheat that they mill into our whole wheat flour. It's so nice to know where you food comes from.

Regis and I watched the movie Fresh last week. It's another one of those movies that you don't want to watch if you can't conceive of changing the way you eat. I bought Joel Salatin's book, Folks, This Ain't Normal...same message.

Tomorrow is Ella's 6th birthday so we're taking her out for lunch to Patrick's because it's her favorite place to eat. They have a chicken strip basket called the Cha Cha and it's what she always gets...with pink lemonade. I think I'll stop and get a few flowers from Mary for the table and maybe a balloon.

Here she is six years ago. We were in the hallway at the hospital when she was born and I wept when I heard her first cry. She has been such a miracle in our lives. (Of course, the other two...the little boys are too but I'll get emotional about them on their birthdays.)

It looks like the wind has already started. Just saw a very tall man running down the street...on the ice...looking very precarious.

I have to watch a Youtube video to learn how to operate my Kindle Fire. Ironic. I need one electronic device to learn how to operate another one.

Here's a link to a company that recycles electronic crap.

Gotta go. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Jill said...

I hope you'll give a report on your Kindle Fire as you begin using it. We bought one, too. It's a different experience than reading on a regular Kindle. And of course it's a computer for other purposes, too, so that makes it fun.

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