Sunday, February 05, 2012

sunday in pictures

This is what I do on Sunday morning. I sit in my leopard chair with my faux fur, in front of the faux fireplace, with the Variety section of the paper, a recipe to review for dinner, and my laptop. See the Valentine's Day tree in the background?

When the days and nights are so dark and gloomy, the twinkling red and pink lights cheer me. After Valentine's Day, the tree will be decorated for St. Patrick's Day and then it will retire to the basement for the spring and summer.

This is the Valentine's Day table. I forgot to take a picture of the crow with the red glitter LOVE sign around his neck. Oh, it is.

I went to Mary's Flowers yesterday to spend a gift card. I wanted something cheerful for the table. We stopped at River Rock first so I took a couple Hermits to Mary and her colleagues. Mary said she wanted to send something with me so she picked out one of these yellow and red roses at the same time I was picking out two more. Great minds, right, Mary?

These are some tiny pitchers I bought at Cooks & Co. the other day. They're individual coffee creamers but I thought I would use them for sauces. Aren't they cute?

I set up my little coffee cup cupboard today. I wish I knew how to use a camera better than I do. Sorry about the shiny thing going on here.

Regis has some kind of rig-up so we can watch the Super Bowl. Oh, boy. I'm a good sport and I'll sit here but I have a pile of other things to do. I'll look up from time to time and ask who's playing and where and if it's almost over hahahaha.

We skipped the Polar Bear Plunge today. I have no spirit for that kind of thing if I have to slog through mud and watch them run in from the edge of the pond instead of from the ice.

Well, welcome to Sunday psychosis.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I'm coveting the little cream pitchers! Your table looks February Festive.

No polar bear plunge? Next year??

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