Saturday, March 17, 2012

trying to get in the mood

I decided that I am going to make the Guinness Chocolate Cake and give it away. I don't want to eat it but I want to make it more. Does that make sense? I am also making Irish soda bread...wearing my shamrock apron. Mary Smith just delivered flowers to Mike Callahan across the street. Mary, her usual festive self, saw me and ran across the street to hug and dance. What a hoot.

Also have an Irish Soda Bread in the oven.

I ran into a crazy friend of mine at the liquor store about 10:30. She was sampling various wines and I asked her if she was having breakfast at MGM this morning. We laughed about that and she wondered if the wine I bought at the wine tasting was gone. Oh, long gone, I said.

Reasons why things suck sometimes in no particular order

I have written several of these kinds of posts over the years. Things that annoy me in no particular order. Things that suck in no particular order. I must have a sort of sarcastic side, eh?

We have decided that we like Gus with longer hair but he's still a handsome dog.

I have some of my St. Patrick's Day gear on but the weather is not conducive to my usual state of preparedness. A wig and a hat and long socks don't wear well when it's over 70 degrees. St. Patrick's Day is usually during the tail end of winter, not the middle of what feels like summer.

I was just reading about a St. Patrick's Day cupcake which got a lot of heat for being too politically incorrect. I'm not even going to name it here since I got spanked for the 80s mullet rock star jacket post. What a chicken. I don't like conflict; what can I say?

The cupcake is a lot like my Guinness cake only it's a cupcake with a ganache filling that's flavored with Irish whiskey. If you put Irish cupcakes in google, you'll probably find it. If you don't and you know me, I'll tell you if you promise not to write me scathing messages about my taste in cupcake names. They sound grand and they make me what to have a party just to try them out.

Well, off to the parade.

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