Friday, April 27, 2012

ways stuff gets into your head

I started reading Anna Quindlen's book, Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake, and my first thought, after highlighting all over the place, was that I need to buy the real book. I have done this before with favorite books. Regis on the other hand, always has the urge to get the audio book when he stumbles onto something he loves. Interesting how we savor the things we read in different ways.

Côtes-du-Rhône Villages Rouge Vignoble de la Vialle

I was in the local MGM store yesterday, buying wine and beer for a party tonight. Not sure how many people to expect, I bought two boxes. Emily, who is so much fun to shop wine with (She's the one who remembered several years later, the name of a South African wine I liked.) saw my purchases and thought they were random. It's a good thing I didn't run into her until I was done because I always spend too much if she is making recommendations!

I happened to mention the French wine maker at the vineyard we met last Saturday. You like French wine, she says. I'm not sure, I say. She brings me four bottles of French wine they tasted that day and said I should take them home to try them...they would just go to waste. Ah!!! This one was lovely. I took a bottle across the street to the neighbors...we like to wine elf each other from time to time.

I had to document this wine in the blog because I'll never be able to remember the name once the bottle goes into the recycler.

So, here's to Friday and Cotes du Rhone!

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