Friday, May 04, 2012

road trip

Regis took some spectacular pictures of the clouds the other night.

Here's a slideshow of Gus and a patch of mushrooms in our back yard. Unlikely combination, I know. But Gus is a handsome dog and our back yard looks like the forest.

The past three days have been full. My head is full. Here is the brief summary:

  • Had a meeting at work where I presented my social media marketing plan.
  • Went to the district retirement event on Wednesday afternoon.
  • Left for Rochester to stay with Cousin Steve and Wife Sherry.
  • At Mayo by 7 a.m. Got lost on the way.
  • Went to Trader Joe' and wine.
  • Back to Mayo to see dietitian. Good report.
  • Out for lunch with Sherry. Walleye cakes at Chester's.
  • Back to Mayo to see doctor. Good report. I'm a rock star.
  • Back home to St. Peter at 6:30.
One thing that struck me as I waited for these appointments is that it is incredible the personal and intimate details of their medical issues people will reveal in loud cell phone conversations in the middle of a crowded room. I really don't want to know about your testerone level and your need to fill the cialis prescription, pal.

I dragged my sorry butt out of bed this morning and went to the Pulse. It was a half-hearted effort and I'm sorry about that. Next week will be better.

I wrote all kinds of good stuff in my head while I was driving. I can't recreate it now.

There are so many nice people out and about and they all like to visit. I met the manager of the Trader Joe's. She's from Portland. I met the retired guy who works in the Trader Joe's liquor store. He's going up north fishing today. I met a woman who plans to quilt when she retires. I met a man whose daughter has a brain tumor. (That will give you some fast perspective on your minor complaints.) I talked to an old dude in a parking lot who looked like he had been in the Canadian Mounted Police. Like Dudley Dooright.

Seriously, except for being way older, he looked just like this only all in black. He wanted to talk about the weather.

Better get on with Friday.


Jill said...

Hooray for your good report, Teresa!

Those loud phone conversations that you can only hear one side of are something else. Do you suppose people think that only the person on the other end of the conversation can hear what's being said? I wish someone would invent a gizmo for that.

Mom said...

Trader Joe's Three Buck Chuck????
I have told you they have won awards.
Glad you are home safe and sound. I don't like driving with black clouds overhead. Also happy with your report on your health.
Love you, Mom

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 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...