Saturday, May 19, 2012

technology divide

I've been thinking about this post for a long time. I've written a lot of things in my head that will not make it to the page because I've forgotten them.

I saw on Facebook that someone liked this album cover. I thought, isn't that interesting that they still call them albums when clearly are something different. Then I looked. It's Crosby Stills Nash and Young. It is an album. Or it was one anyway. I suppose now it's a CD.

We watched some old music videos last night...Neil Young and Fleetwood Mac. I love that.

My friend, Jill, sent me an email the other because she wanted to tweet me. She wanted my twitter address. I have a twitter account but rarely look at it. I don't get enough words to do twitter posts.

It took us all day to get the tweet right. It took email alerts to say that we sent a tweet! This may not be our medium.

One of the young women at work the other day was teasing Tamika about calling it The Twitter. The language about all of this stuff is changing so fast and it's so different. I still can't get the hang of using text as a verb. He texted me. I texted you. What???

I went to a social media seminar and the instructor said technology/social media is not a tool, it's a new way of thinking.

It's a new way of behaving, too. Regis thinks I am an old crank but I get really annoyed when people sit around in social situations and look at their phones. Substitute iPod, iPad, laptop...whatever. Really annoyed...I can't tell you how annoyed I get. It's bad for my blood pressure. I am starting to think we may as well all stay home and just text each other. There was a time when I would put a sign on the door on holidays: Laptop Free Zone. Yeah, here we go. I need a sign like this.

Found this online:
  • As mobile etiquette guidelines continue to evolve, Post offers these tips to those who use a variety of mobile devices on a daily basis:
  • Practice what you preach: If you don't like others' bad behavior, don't engage in it.
  • Be present: Give your full attention to those you are with, such as when in a meeting or on a date. No matter how well you think you multi-task, you'll make a better impression.
  • The small moments matter. Before making a call, texting or emailing in public, consider if your actions will impact others. If they will, reconsider, wait or move away first.
  • Talk with your family, friends and colleagues about ground rules for mobile device usage during personal time.
  • Some places should stay private: Don't use a mobile device while using a restroom.

Our phone contract is up this summer and I thought about going back to a dumb phone just out of irritation at how much it costs for service. I don't think I can give up all the technology, though. I like the pictures, I like to send a text once in a while, I love Instagram. You get hooked.

Better get going. Happy Saturday.

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