Monday, June 25, 2012

as weeks go, this past one sucked

Regis was scheduled for knee surgery June 26. We were gearing up for that, making lists and plans. On Wednesday, he went for his pre-op physical and had an EKG. They called him in the afternoon and told him he had atrial fibrillation and the surgery would have to be postponed. We were completely deflated.

I cried into the dishwater for a while, then looked atrial fibrillation up on the internet. It didn't sound as dire in print as it did verbally.

Regis went to the Makato Clinic to have an echocardiogram Friday afternoon and meets with a cardiologist on Monday. We are hoping for the best possible outcome. He said it feels like the beginning of running from one specialist to another.

On the less suckful side it was a fun week at work. I am constantly amazed by the wonderful food those folks can make. I had a quinoa salad this week that was so good I had to buy some to take home. The herbs were perfect. They make my job, promoting their food, very easy.

I picked Elliot up at daycare on Friday. Ella and Alex came about 4. It went surprisingly well. The little boys play so nice together and Ella keeps a supervisory eye on them. They ate their dinner, we grilled marshmallows, and read books. Ella spent the night but the little boys went home.

Regis and I did some badly overdue yard work yesterday. We are the world's best procrastinators when it comes to yard work. Our neighbors are out there making the neighborhood safe from moles and crab grass and dandelions and we just sit and watch it happen. I made a mental list yesterday of things we should do and maybe I will even get to some of them.

We have neighbors on the corner across the street who have a giant camper and a boat. They load it all up with their bicycles and drive away every weekend. They spend about three days of the week getting it ready which includes a power washing with the hose. When they come back on Sunday, they spend the afternoon power washing again. They do know this stuff is outdoor gear, right? What is the compulsion to make the outside as clean as the inside?

On to Monday.

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