Thursday, July 05, 2012

celebrating independence day

We had a wonderful 4th of July even though it was hot. Bob and Reg set up a canopy so we had shade, at least those of us who didn't venture down to the curb to collect tootsie rolls. Regis is the camera man in our family and he wisely stayed home in the cool AC. I only took a few with my phone.

Alex, Elliot, and Ella each had an umbrella chair. I think it helped but by mid-parade, they had lost interest in candy, too. Elliot came back to sit with me in the shade where I had ice, iced wash cloths, and cold water.

This is Jesus. Nice of him to come to St. Peter for the 4th of July. There was also a float with a Presbyterian minister spraying water on the crowd. I told Emily to step back or she'd be baptized. Interesting that we can have all these religious floats in our parade but no politicians.

Tiffany trying to get a tan. That's my girl!

Alex makes a run for it.

I stayed right here in the shade. There was a reasonable breeze so it was manageable. Hot but manageable. I highly recommend the frozen washcloths. I don't know I got that brainstorm but it was a good one.

There are going to be things to be irritated by when you get this many people together. There was a group of loud adults by me that were loud and demanding. They grabbed a while pizza from a Domino's kid who was handing out samples. I think the parade protocol is that if someone offers you something, or throws it in front of you, it's ok to take it. But grown-ups demanding tootsie rolls and pizza? Nasty. All in all, it is a good time.

Blankets and tarps line the street for days before the parade.

Regis has a nephew who lives in Texas. Here's what he wrote on Facebook:
We have a parade every year in April called "Buccaneer Days" which celebrates the area's "discovery" and habitation by brigands and pirates in the 16th century. An odd thing to celebrate, in my view. I have fastidiously avoided the parade and all of its tentacles since moving here. People camp out for days along the parade route to "save their spots." They used to be able to mark their spots with tape or chalk. But then people started shooting each other in disputes over spots. This year there were armed robberies and drunken late night disputes among the "spot savers" so that practice will likely go by the wayside as well. What is wrong with people these days? The sociopaths seem to be either running for office or simply running amok.

This is Reg at 7 am yesterday morning. Bob sent the picture and I exclaimed, "Are they going to make him sit there all morning?" No, they didn't. They got set up, then left for a while until it was closer to parade time. We appreciated the shade!

We have been trying to sit outside for a while each evening. I have finally resorted to my mom and dad's old pre-air conditioning trick. I fill a large tub with cold water from the hose and swish my feet in it. It's amazing how it cools you off. Try it.

My sweet husband turns 60 today. He made a face when I said it but I told him time marches on so turning 60 is better than not turning 60. Happy birthday, Regis!

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