We're going to spend today getting ready for a busy week. I am hoping that after October, things will slow down some. I don't like to be quite this busy. I'm more of a sitting around kind of girl.
That's my Dad's cowboy hat I'm wearing. Mom gave it to Regis but I claimed it when we got home. It's a good look.
Regis is wearing a shirt Peter left behind. Southpole is favored by hip and young urbanites who frequently cut thumb holes in the cuffs of their shirts. Regis just likes the soft thermal knit. He is not a hip or a young urbanite.
We got home about 5:30 yesterday. Regis took Gus to the dog park for a run while I unpacked the stuff. When they got back, Regis and I went to Patrick's for a cheeseburger which was a minor mistake. It was GAC homecoming weekend and the place was rocking. They had a bouncer at the door at 6 o'clock and it was a good thing. There was an old dude in the next booth who was loud and obnoxious. I don't know how the people sitting next to him could stand it...we barely could. We ate and left quickly.
I'm going to finally get my Halloween decorations out today. I don't know what has made me so slow this year. Emily, and maybe David (brother from St. Paul) are coming late afternoon for pizza and Downton Abbey.
Regis is having knee replacement surgery on Wednesday. We have to be at the hospital by 5 am so he should be out of surgery before the sun comes up. The hospital here does not have a cafeteria so they get their food from the nursing home. That doesn't sound very appealing. I'll have to plan ahead.
On to Sunday.
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