Monday, October 22, 2012

this getting old shit is for the birds

I just wrote a paragraph about our continuing medical woes and then I promptly deleted it. I have vowed not to talk about medical stuff so remind me if I go off on a tangent about it. Enough already.

I'm warming up my writing brain to do about four blog posts for River Rock this afternoon. They are in varying stages of completion in a notebook written in pencil and on my computer. I write spasmodically, if that's the word for it. I rarely write in long-hand anymore and can hardly compose an address unless I'm at the keyboard. Writing on cards can be a challenge.

I looked at the marathon coverage in the paper this morning and had a brief moment of regret for not committing to that until I read about the folks who were vomiting and in need of IVs by the end. Nah. I don't think so. As I have said before, my right brain, the side that avoids pain and seeks pleasure is too well-developed. My mantra usually goes something like this, "If I walk for a while, I will feel better and I won't break any bones. This will be over soon. What in the hell made me think this would be fun?"

We had a very busy day yesterday. I picked Elliot up in the morning, Ella and Alex came for lunch, Emily took Gus to the park then came back for pizza and we watched Downton Abbey. A fun Sunday!

One more cup of coffee, one more paragraph...then I have to hit it.

I'm reading Major Pettigrew's Last Stand. I can't remember who recommended it to me but I like it. It's a love story about an English man and a Pakistani woman. Sort of a gentle tea and crumpets story which I don't mind as I'm not much for murder and mayhem in my reading material.

My new boots just came via UPS and that means Zappos is a modern miracle. I order boots on Saturday afternoon and they are delivered to me by Monday. Ah, the smell of new leather.

Here I go.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I read Major Pettigrew, but I don't remember if we ever talked about it. It has a nice feel to it, and decent writing. After years of avoiding those sorts of British stiff upper lip stories, I've found myself reading them lately. Not sure why.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...