Monday, December 03, 2012

alien baby runs amok and psycho light show

We had to make an unexpected run to the clinic today because my alien baby drain was malfunctioning. I thought they would have to pull it but bless Jan's heart, she saved the day. She told me she was in the Navy and had her own ship so I was not surprised that she could deal with a small drainage issue.

I forgot to post the photos of the lights. I'm not a fan of lights on large deciduous trees because you end with something that looks like this. I think this would have been better had we been on foot but alas, too lazy. We had a very nice with our hosts, however, and a delicious dinner at Neighbors.

Today I received an email from the lady who made my most recent scarf and turban purchases. She wondered if I would like to be the Turban Diva for December. Would I? Of course I would! She is using some of the photos and I had to send her my long tale of woe. What a hoot. I will post the link when it becomes available.

I've decided I like reading mysteries so if you have any to recommend, leave the title in a comment. I'm somewhere in the compendium of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories which are very good...and which only cost four dollars on Amazon.

I made cookies today to take to a friend's mom who is in a swing bed in the local hospital. She needs to gain weight and the food in that place is not going to cut the mustard. We know this having fallen victim to it a time or two in the past months.

I think that's it from Crazy Town. We're tired and ready to go to bed. Regis with his sciatica and me with my alien baby. Ah, life is an adventure.

1 comment:

mom said...

I love William Kent Krueger books. They are a mix of mystery and Indian lore.
Try them ; you will like them. He has written 12 books and has a new one coming in March.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...