Thursday, December 20, 2012

angels walk among us

I've been telling my Facebook friends to watch for angels among us because I know they are here. At first, I thought of them as elves, but now I think they are sort of a combination of characteristics of both: compassionate, tough, sweet, funny, prankster-loving helpers. I looked for an image of an angel this morning, but most of them look like porn star angels. Good grief. I found this. This is an angel would get the job done. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty.

Those skinny barely-clothed angels with long flowing hair and bare feet could not really do the job. An angel would have to be sturdy even though they are celestial, I suppose. I'm thinking of these more as earth walking angels than religious angels, however.

This is a nice one, too. A mama figure gathering all the children.

I'm going to keep looking for angels and telling their stories. There are some wonderful folks out there.

I've written before about my purple power port. It looks like this:

This is on the bony part of my chest. And yes, it does make a knob like this. I asked the doctor if it would stick out or if it would kind of disappear. He said, "Well, you're thin so it will probably poke out." Who thought that would ever be a problem.

It's healing but the two spots are still covered by glue, a medical version of glue, I am sure but still glue. It itches, it hurts, it's aggravated by a bra strap. I started looking for a solution online...tiny pillows, pads, cushions, even a different sort of bra. I came up with one thing that looked sort of industrial and was kind of expensive. I gave up. Then I had an idea...I folded up a soft, silky polyester scarf and used that to pad the port site. So much better!

So, I think....who wants to wear a folded up scarf in their bra all day and night. Someone could make this...just not me. I imagined it to be about 3X5, soft fabric to slide over the pin pricks and glue residue, triple padded, machine washable, bright colors, and inexpensive enough that you could have a couple to toss in the wash.

I presented my idea to a couple people who are contemplating it and working on prototypes. Kay, a very sweet woman at Sew Boutique in St. Peter, drew a little sketch and said she would work on it even though she is pregnant and running a busy retail store. I sent an email to my friend Katy, in Georgia, who makes my aprons. She's very busy, too, and takes care of her mom who has cancer. She said they were making a road trip and pondering ideas would make good conversation over the miles. Kay and Katy, taking time out of their busy lives to help.

Then I went into My Father's Daughter where my friend, Pam, works. MFD is a gift shop that specializes in local and handmade things. Since they sell a lot of sewn things, I thought Pam might know a seamstress. She gets right on the phone to her friend, Kathy, who asks for my ideas and says she will have them ready by 3 o'clock. That day. No charge. What? I argued about that but she was adamant and said it was her gift. I told her my goal yesterday was to watch for angels among us and she was definitely one! Pam, too!

So, it was a great day. Jan came to help with some cleaning, I washed all the bedding, Gus went to the dog park, I saw some very nice people (Thanks for the hugs, River Rock family!), and we took a drive to see the Christmas lights. Lovely. Life is good.


mom said...

where is my entry????

mom said...

I am thankful for my beautiful daughter, a warm house, more than enough food and other loving members of my family.. I have decided to pick my self off the floor and be thankful for what I have. I wish for Steve a pain free journey and a reunion with his father. Bless all of my family; may 2013 better a wonderful year.

Anonymous said...

one of my favorite subjects - earth angels. so glad that you have found some - it's an awe-inspring event to realize they are truly among us. i bet there are people who have crossed your path who feel that YOU are one, too. earth angels have instant recognition when they encounter another like soul. we can all aspire to be EA's - especially if we are cultivating a loving and grateful attitude. i am spellbound with the power of just a simple smile, seeing someone on the street, then giving them a genuine, caring smile, and seeing their face light up. don't you think that every smile like that counts, that that beautiful light flies straight to their heart, stays and ignights the desire and resolution to be more aware of the needs of others? i often thought during my treatment for BC, that because i encountered real life earth angels, my shoulders grew wider, and my heart felt fuller - we seem to be blessed with a more sharply honed awareness of the beauty of life gifts, and also become more receptive to both the giving and receiving of those gifts. i hope, i know that you will have a whole posse of earth angels helping you through your treatment. and the accompanying mission to pay it forward is also what makes life good.

gentle hugs,

karen, TC

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...