Saturday, December 15, 2012

brain mush and some stray photos

Regis and I are pretty sure that the guy who draws this cartoon knows us.

Ella and I always wear aprons when we cook together. My apron is called Fight Like a Girl (See the breast cancer logos?) and my friend, Katy, in Georgia, is making Ella one just like it.

I'm not sure I ever shared the hinder side of my Halloween Fun Run costume. I am an artificial knee and  I rigged up elastic tendons so the knee cap on my butt would move when I bent over. I didn't get a prize as they seemed to go in for traditional mummies and monsters. Ah, well.

Ella and I had our picture taken by the giant cat after the race.

I was going to write that Regis had taken me somewhere today but all I could think of was that it was out in the country. Oh, yeah, Walgreens. No exactly IN the country but we had to go through it to get there and we took the long scenic route home so I could eat my cheeseburger and Gus could have a few fries. It was a beautiful sunshiney day.

I needed wrapping paper and things like that. Also stopped at Contents for a few things although I spent a lot of time standing and staring at the three things I bought. Wait, wait...what?

Now, I have to take on the printing of a spreadsheet into labels. I did this last year so I should be able to connive my limp little brain around it again but we shall see.

Later, I did manage it and even got a snowman face to appear on the label. Ta da!

Regis and I spent the evening watch an old compilation of SNL Christmas shows. Chevy Chase, John Belushi, Gilda Radner, Dan Akroyd, Garret Morris, Jane Curtain...all the good ones. It was a hoot. Can't believe we used to stay awake until 11 o'clock to watch it...we used to go home to make sure we got to watch it...and now we have to shut it off at 8 and go to bed. Humbug.

I called a nurse yesterday and she gave me the go ahead to stop taking all the nausea drugs. I hadn't had any nausea and I think they were making me fuzzy-headed. I feel good so far, so will only use them if needed. I wonder about next time? Is the effect of chemo cumulative? Will I feel clobbered by the end?

1 comment:

Jill said...

Chemo Cumulative sounds like the name of an exotic dancer.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...