Friday, January 18, 2013

i look good and feel better

I had a nice day yesterday. Regis and I went to the exercise class in the morning where we are progressing well. I can do squats with five pound weights! Chip says I should be back to my old habits with maybe even bigger weights in a month.

I went with Regis to one of the ologist appointments. The ologist looks more like a Viking warrior (tall and strapping with huge hands) than a doctor but he was very thorough. He explained a lot of the medical mysteries to us and wished us well. Back to that ologist in six months.

I stopped at the yarn shop and stocked up on yarn for my prodigious scarf making. Anybody who needs a scarf should let me know. I pretty much have one design...and a very easy pattern. I buy bulky yarn, cast an odd number of stitches onto big needles, and knit until I am almost out of yard. Sometimes I stitch the ends together so it makes a big cowl scarf.

The picture at the top is my haul from the American Cancer Society's Look Good Feel Better class last night. I wasn't sure how it would be but I enjoyed it a lot. There were ten women in all stages of cancer diagnosis and treatment. We each got a bag of very nice and expensive cosmetic products and the instructor showed us how to use each of them. She also gave times on skin care, nails, head coverings, etc. It was fun to see people transformed by make-up and laughter.

My newly revised mental health plan is as follows:

  • Limit carbs (wine and lefse are permitted)
  • Exercise daily
  • Change the books I'm reading. Agatha Christie is ponderous. I read forty pages last night where they wrapped up every clue in the damn book. Gads. I suppose they had a lot of ponder before DNA and finger prints.
  • Watch only funny movies or light romantic comedies. This is a problem. Regis and I most often watch movies together. 
  • Here is what he likes:
    • Science Fiction
    • Action/adventure with bad guys
    • Car chases
    • Loud guns and bombs
    • Intrigue
    • Thought-provoking
    • Plot
  • Here is what I like (or don't) in a movie:
    • Characters, the more eccentric the better
    • A gentle plot that does not include violence or gratuitous sex
    • No loud noises
    • No scary stuff
    • Resolution in the end
    • No really bad people that could be real
  • Movies we have both liked:
    • Skyfall
    • Fargo (The first James Bond movie I liked.)
    • The Giant Mechanical Man
    • Uncle Buck
    • Argo
    • The Dancing Outlaw
    • Searching for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus
    • Death at a Funeral
  • Movies one of us disliked intensely although I am more vocal than Regis:
    • No Country for Old Men (me)
    • Sherlock Holmes (me)
    • Inception (me)
    • Lord of the Rings (me)
    • Priscilla Queen of the Desert (Regis)
    • Tender Mercies (Regis)
You can see my list is longer than my husband's list. He says there are certain movies I think I won't like and I'm not open to watching them. He is right about that. One thing I liked about Netflix is that they made recommendations based on what you liked in the past.

Well, that was a pretty deep subject.

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