Me at exercise class.
Gus in the morning. He has such a happy face.
Regis in his Regis University cap driving us to exercise class.
We exercised yesterday morning, had breakfast at Guenther's, then I had a two hour massage by a friend down the street. Oh, my. It was like being transported. Hence, the two hour nap.
We were invited to have dinner last night with Anders and Judie. Such a good meal, great company, and a very relaxing time. We always have so many things to talk about and I can feel Jan's spirit in the house...all her books, her glassware, her presence.
All in all, a most pleasant day.
I talked to Mom this morning, Ella is coming to make Valentines, and Regis says he is going to the store to get the fixings for Peanut Butter Pretzel Brownies. It's all his favorite flavors in one food item. Today has the markings of a good day, too.
We're waiting for the big blizzard. Or what might be a big blizzard. We're under a winter storm watch and a blizzard watch simultaneously which seems odd but then they issue the disclaimer that it could be rain. Well, let's cover all the bases (or asses) at one time.
Yesterday, they said it was going to be partly cloudy. That must mean total gray because I haven't seen a hint of the sun since Tuesday when I was making snow angels.
Blechh to the gray weather. Need to open a can of whoop ass. Maybe two.
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