Saturday, February 23, 2013

ice and lemons

Deb sent me a lemon pound cake with lemon glaze made with lemons from their tree in Arizona. It tasted just like sunshine.

The sun was shining when we woke up at 7:30 (I never sleep that late!) but now the clouds have covered it again.

I have a list in my head of things I want to do today but it may get shortened. There is a lot of tidying up to do because Regis and I are not, by nature, the kind of people who put things away as we use them. Mittens, hats, boots... stuff collects here and there. I have dirty dishes in the sink, some laundry to finish, and some cooking to do. Probably not all going to happen.

Our neighborhood is a mix of young and old but one street (and our house) is mostly folks who are retired, elderly, infirm, or all three. The other day, one of the youngest went to the hospital by ambulance with a heart attack. The others are trying to do the neighborly thing and keep their walks clean and dry.

One neighbor pointed out to Regis a particularly icy patch where she had recently fallen. Her husband recommended grit so Regis tramps back to our house to get a can of grit. He is almost there when he goes down on the ice. The neighbor on the corner calls over to ask if he needs help. "Stay where you are or there will be a whole pile of us here!" he said. No broken bones. Just old people going down like bowling pins.

I'll try to write more later when I have more vim and vigor. Maybe I need coffee.

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observations from my first day of school

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