Wednesday, March 06, 2013

a list of nice things

  1. The trees are still lined with snow. We didn't get the wind that usually blows it off. It's like a calendar picture.
  2. I can hear cardinals singing this morning. They're courting this time of year and sometimes whistle to each other 200 times a day. That's devotion.
  3. Our friends, Tom and Betty, are home from Texas so we went for a visit last night. We heard lots of great tales of beach walking, happy hour shopping, and we learned what an oyster shot is.
  4. Betty and Tom have a new kitchen and I have kitchen envy. It's just beautiful. Like something you'd see on a cooking show or in a magazine.
  5. I ordered new pajamas and underwear from Kohl's with my 30% off coupon. Also got a couple things for Elliot's birthday.
  6. I decided that I want to have Easter dinner here this year. It had crossed my mind that I might be too tired to plan or carry out, but it is something to look forward to so I want to do it. Somehow I made Thanksgiving and Christmas manageable.
  7. I saw my primary care doc yesterday. She chastised me gently for feeling guilty about complaining. She encouraged me to sleep and she increased my Zoloft. It's hard to puzzle out what's physical fatigue from the chemo and what's mental fatigue from the whole damn long road show but the Zoloft won't hurt and might help. I'll give it a whirl.
  8. We get our taxes done today and I haven't even started sorting things to take to Marie. I don't like to make this a big deal and so last minute works. Not like we have a fortune to manage anyway. Our portfolio is a red folder.
  9. I love Marie's cat, Nick. The minute you sit down, he curls around your feet and crawls up to the back of your chair.
  10. I'm going to walk downtown today. I'll go by the Pulse to see Rachel, get the taxes done, and maybe stop at the kitchen store.
  11. Betty gave me a cool pair of sandals she bought on the beach. They're called FitFlops. She also sent us home with the Nero Wolf DVDs so we can watch more mysteries.
  12. Gus had a wonderful time at Tom and Betty's house. Their dogs, Gonzo and Elvis, have a lot of toys and Gus dragged out every one. He made a hundred trips around their house chasing toys. Gonzo and Elvis played with him for a few minutes then retreated to the safety of the recliner.
  13. Regis just left to do taxes for AARP. Bless his heart, it would drive me crazy.
  14. I'm going in to take my first nap of the day. I think as much as the sleeping, I love my bed, my warm mattress pad, my book, and the dark. It's comforting and cozy.
Siesta time. No guilt. Promise.


Anonymous said...

No guilt ever needed! No rationalizing ever needed! No excuses ever needed! Just open that can of whoop ass whenever you need it. You owe no one any explanations! I think Nick is awesome too!

Marie said...

well, Nick is famous ...

observations from my first day of school

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