Friday, March 01, 2013

quick note and friday whoop ass

After a terrible night of sleep Wednesday night, I had a busy day. Ella came in the morning which was a nice was to start the day. Peter came over at 9:30 for breakfast and I worked up the gumption to make waffles. Not only was it good to visit with him about his new job but the waffles and bacon made the house smell heavenly. I went to chemo at 12:30 and we didn't get home until 5 so it was a long napless day.

I continue to be fortunate with side effects. No nausea, no vomiting, no loss of nails which seems to be the trifecta of evil. Fatigue. Overwhelming fatigue is my cross to bear. My research nurse tells me to cut back and take it easy and today I'll get the word from the exercise physiologist...don't do so much. These folks should put an action cam on me. There would not be much movement. But ok...I am a rule follower and I will take the advice of my medical team.

I talked to a lady in my pod who is 91 and has leukemia. She only gets hemoglobin transfusions, no treatment. The first time we met her, a month ago, she was so perky and fun to talk to. Yesterday she was very weak, she didn't remember us, and she could barely talk. It made me sad. She did say that 91 is a long life and hers has been wonderful. She said she feels very lucky.

I have a very drifty brain. Regis said something about me calling Rachel at the Pulse. I asked him what that would be about. He gave me an exasperated look and said we had talked about it five times. I remember talking about it...just not what the answer was.

I went into Michael's yesterday to buy some St. Patty's Day decorations for my tree. I walked around for ten minutes, putting things in my cart, then wandering back to return them. I left with nothing but as soon as I got in the car, I wished I had done it differently. Good grief.

I have a very unambitious plan for the day. I won't dignify it be calling it an agenda. Regis and I are going to Mayo to exercise. I'll take it easy and have a chat with Chip about the future since we plan to finish up there next Friday. Graduation day at Exercise is Medicine. I'll come home and take my afternoon reading/napping siesta, then get up and make a meat loaf for dinner. There you go.

Friday whoop ass!

1 comment:

tccomments2013 said...

dear teresa,

that is some awesome whoop ass. 'nuf said.

love, xo,

karen, TC

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