Tuesday, March 19, 2013

st. paddy's day

We celebrated the holiday in fine Irish fashion last night with our friends, the McGraw-Hynes family. I told Regis this morning that I think the only things we neglected were the button accordion and the singing. We had corned beef and cabbage, Irish soda bread, Irish coffee, Irish whiskey, and there were plenty of good stories told around the table.

I slept until almost ten o'clock this morning which is a land speed record in my adult life. I never sleep past eight. I think if Regis hadn't told me to get up, I could have slept longer. It was decadent and wonderful. I took a nap this afternoon, too, in case you are thinking I got too much sleep for the day.

Regis made pretzel buns while I snoozed. He can be a very good cook when he cooks because he attends to details. I am a more generalized cook and pretzel buns are detail baking. Five minutes here, ten minutes there, boiling then baking. Uff da. They are ready to come out of the oven and they are beautiful! Good job, my sweet husband!

I am refusing to leave the house today and maybe tomorrow. The temperature is going to dip toward zero with wind chills below zero. It's supposed to be spring. Last year, which really means nothing in Minnesota, it was 85 on St. Patrick's Day and spring from thereon. What the...

I finished the Ian Rankin book I started the other day. It was very good and I have a few more lined up. They take place in Scotland...mysteries without the gore. John Rebus is an old school detective who doesn't follow the rules, drinks too much, smokes too much, and is always under the eye of the police affairs department. I liked it a lot. Regis asked me how I can be reading so much and there are probably a few answers to that, I think the most important one being that my awareness of other things has shrunk and so I can concentrate more on books. I have knitting weeks and I have reading weeks.

The pretzel buns were an enormous success even though we forgot to put salt on them. They look like pretzels with a very dark crust and they have a dense texture like a pretzel or bagel. We're going to make them for Easter if we can recruit some labor for Saturday afternoon. The true test will be to see how they hold up over night.

I'm ready to go to bed again. I have slept more today than I have been awake but it feels good. I turn on the humidifier and pull up the blankets and it's like being in a blanket fort. Safe.

1 comment:

Jill said...

You? Sleeping that much? And getting to eat home made pretzel rolls? Ahhhhhhhhh.....nice!

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...