Monday, March 25, 2013

where has my energy gone?

I feel like I'm grinding to a halt.

This weekend, I did very little. For two days I have been trying to buy some lightweight head coverings and I can't make a decision. I'm coming to the conclusion that I might just be tired of chemo hats.

This bald condition could persist until July or August, though, so I have to be ready.

I have a nice crop of fuzz coming in on my head but Judy says it might disappear again. Or it might come back unevenly.

Next Sunday is Easter and we're expecting a crowd. I don't have to do much of the cooking but there is some planning involved. Extra tables and chairs. Lots of paper products. Table linens. Timing. Or not.

I am making the ham. Not much work with that. I'm making an ice cream dessert so that can be done ahead of time.

Tom came for dinner last night. We had ribs and pretzel rolls. I was supposed to make a potato dish but I didn't. I took a nap instead. I told Regis since he did all the cooking, I would do the kitchen clean-up today but here I sit, in my pajamas at 10 o'clock. I'll get to it eventually.

I think my plan this week will be to get outside as much as possible. I need the sunshine to recharge my batteries.

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