The weather here is frightful. It's cold, windy, rainy, and threatening to snow 4 inches. Really? WTF. It's April. I know this is a more typical spring (as opposed to the last three or four that were atypical but much nicer) but this gets old after a long winter. Don't try to talk me out of being cranky. It won't work.
I can see I'm going to need a can of whoop ass today.
I haven't been happy with the last three books I've read. They have been tedious. I get it, I get it. after the second chapter, I get it. Let's not spend a whole book telling the same thing over and over. I won't name the books because this just might be a part of my general malaise.
I see I have spent some time bitching this morning. To end the post of the day, here are the things for which I am grateful:
- Good friends. You know who you are.
- My mom. She's taught me a lot about living a happy life and getting through tough times.
- Regis. He got out of bed the other night and made sure my feet were covered up.
- My bulb garden. It smells like spring!
- Books. My life is so much richer for reading.
- Babies. Going out to meet a new one today. Welcoming Nora Jane!
- Babies. Congrats to Letitia and Jared!
- A warm house. I know everybody in the world doesn't have one.
- Rain. I'm complaining about it but we needed it.
- Sleep.
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