Tuesday, April 09, 2013

my own domain redux and whoop ass

WTF. This seemed easy Sunday. It's two days later and I have spent many hours trying to decipher the instructions, the help information, the forums, and trying to remember passwords for this and that. I can only do it for about two hours at a time, then my head threatens to explode and I have to stop. This is not a job for amateurs. If anybody knows anything about custom domains and blogger could use some help. I'm starting to think I should have left well enough alone.

The weather here is frightful. It's cold, windy, rainy, and threatening to snow 4 inches. Really? WTF. It's April. I know this is a more typical spring (as opposed to the last three or four that were atypical but much nicer) but this gets old after a long winter. Don't try to talk me out of being cranky. It won't work.

I can see I'm going to need a can of whoop ass today.

I haven't been happy with the last three books I've read. They have been tedious. I get it, I get it. after the second chapter, I get it. Let's not spend a whole book telling the same thing over and over. I won't name the books because this just might be a part of my general malaise.

I see I have spent some time bitching this morning. To end the post of the day, here are the things for which I am grateful:

  1. Good friends. You know who you are.
  2. My mom. She's taught me a lot about living a happy life and getting through tough times.
  3. Regis. He got out of bed the other night and made sure my feet were covered up.
  4. My bulb garden. It smells like spring!
  5. Books. My life is so much richer for reading.
  6. Babies. Going out to meet a new one today. Welcoming Nora Jane!
  7. Babies. Congrats to Letitia and Jared!
  8. A warm house. I know everybody in the world doesn't have one.
  9. Rain. I'm complaining about it but we needed it.
  10. Sleep.

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