Friday, April 19, 2013

out of the nest

My last taxol treatment!

I was booted from my chemo nest today. It happened with little ceremony but I did a hug from one  nurse and a star pin from Judy, my research nurse, because I have been a star patient. I told her I had mixed feelings about being done and she nodded knowingly. She said there was so much uncertainty during the early phase of diagnosis and this phase, the treatment, feels safe and secure and definite. Now I feel adrift again.

One of the very nice things about cancer is the people I have met. A woman I connected with via the dog park and a massage therapist started her chemo yesterday. She posted a picture of herself sitting my booth at the cancer center! It made me feel better about leaving somehow. I told that story to the nurse, not mentioning any names of course because of HPPA and FRPA and all those other acronyms, but Jessica said, "I think I know just who you are talking about." My spot there will be in good hands.

Regis and I went to Panera for a cup of coffee to celebrate. I paid almost ten dollars for two cups of coffee and two bagels. Seems like a lot, no? It was fun to run into Mary and Greg and Diane and Jim there. I got two more hugs. If hugs were money, I'd be rich. Come to think of it, they are like money and I am indeed rich.

We motored down to Patrick's last night for a beer and a pizza. For some reason, during inclement winter weather, Minnesotans like to go to bars. It's a well known phenomenon and if you haven't witnessed it, you should. People like to get together and tell stories about how deep the snow was on the deck, what kind of snow blower they have, and how they couldn't get the back door open. It's a hoot.

Regis has been taking bird pictures as the little birds returning to Minnesota (and the ones who stayed here, I imagine) were expecting to find worms and bugs to eat. They didn't expect a foot of snow. Here are just a few.

The snow came sideways in the latter part of the so everything was coated on the north side with a heavy coat of snow. Regis said the garage looked like the hotel in The Shining. It was really beautiful and would have been more so if it had been December.

Gus loves the snow. He went to the Paw this morning and they told us when we picked up that he had a wonderful time. He loves to run in the snow and jump over drifts. A woman who works there, at a computer, loves Gus. When he came in she jumped up and came over to him and said, "I heard you were coming!" Like bringing a little kid to daycare.

Next week, I'm going to take a bouquet of flowers to my chemo nurses and doctors. And maybe some brownies. They have made an experience that you certainly would sign up for if you had a choice, a very pleasant thing. Bless their hearts.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Yippee and yahoo! Now you are done and should start to feel better. And your hair should return. But it is true this is a transition point in dealing with cancer where all of a sudden there aren't doctors and nurses asking about every little sniffle.

This is a point where some cancer patients start to feel very stressed. It might be a good time to make changes in your life where you add some more support or add some more exercise or something that will allow you to cope with the transition better.


observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...