Tuesday, April 02, 2013


It's been an eventful day. I put away the Easter things, even took the tub to the basement and put the extra table on the porch. I cleaned up the kitchen, cleaned up the humidifier, and much to my chagrin, fell on the floor. Gus has a big bone he chews on and when you step on that thing it's like a roller skate. I went down in slow motion, thinking oh no, this is going to be bad but I only whacked my elbow. It's amazing: one minute you are vertical and the next, horizontal.

Regis and I decided to do some errands...dog license, bank, grocery store (to return the yeast I bought Saturday that had expired last October), and car vacuum so we could install the new seat protector. We are not usually so goal driven and rewarded ourselves with lunch at the Lone Star after which I came home to nap and read.

We saw our first robin of the season this morning. It's very late for the first robin sighting, as some years they are here all winter, There was a cardinal pair at the feeder, too, the female looking very rotund from eggs.

It's been a busy day.

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