Thursday, April 11, 2013

winter storm michael palin

We listen to KMSU's Shufflefunction in the morning. Tim and Shelley named this winter storm after Michael Palin of Monty Python. Very fitting. 

All schools in the area are closed. When I got up at 3 am, there was only rain and some of the slush from yesterday had melted. When Regis woke me at 7, it looked like this out our front door. We shouldn't be alarmed as it is not the first time we've had snow in April, in fact, I think snow in April is pretty par for the course. Not that it sucks any less.

Yesterday, our friend Rene came to call. She brought pizza and cheese bread from Jake's and we had a glass of wine. Rene is a force and we love seeing her.

I have some anxiety about my appointments tomorrow. Not the chemo appointments; I'm an old hand at those. The radiology consult is what's making me apprehensive. I hear that the doctor has a less than pleasant bedside manner but the nurses are wonderful. I don't feel like dealing with a cranky doctor.

It's been my experience, in the medical system I frequent lately, that everyone is warm and friendly. I thought it was part of the criteria for getting a job there. It should be. Maybe this guy doesn't deserve his reputation. There will be a full report.

Last week, while wearing the backless blue gown, I hugged my oncologist. It was the end of my last visit with him during my chemo and he is such a kind and caring man. It just seemed like the right thing to do.

About ten minutes ago, we heard Tim and Shelley say that they would post on their blog, pictures of listeners making snow angels while wearing Shufflefunction t-shirts. We jumped right up and made it happen.

Bunny wearing a big old snow hat...and a bird!

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