curling up and feeling sad
Cécile VeilhanYesterday I had my first follow-up meeting with my research nurse. I've gotten very attached to her. I know I'll see her many times in the future but for some reason this last visit made me sad and took me back to an emotional place I thought I had left long ago.
Even though the weather was beautiful, the crab apple and the redbud are blooming, and even though I had a lovely visit with my cousin the last two days, I felt like shit last night. I felt like I did in January. I was so tired I took several naps and went to bed at 7 o'clock. I felt sad and lonely and discouraged and...flat.
I'm not going to try to analyze this too much. It just is what it is and I know it will pass.
I'm not feeling sorry for myself either. I know everybody has crap to deal with. Every day, people have much worse crap than this to deal with. Something could come along and clothesline a guy at any time. Fact of life. I am not alone in this.
Wishing you a better day today.
i feel so bad i wasn't here for you just to say i love you and let you know i was listening, and sending powerful vibes to help you get through slugging rats in the gutter. i haven't been keeping up with reading/commenting very well. OMG - ..."could clothesline a guy at any time." TOO funny.
warm hugs,